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This page documents on how to:

Fetch applicants

Fetch a list of applicants accounts.




GET /applicants

Open in Postman

The payload in this endpoint is paginated. Information will be provided in the headers.

Consult the guide for pagination

Accepted params

All parameters should be in the querystring.

ParamTypeExample valueDefaultDescription
embedString"address,applications,pools"nullWanted embedded data, separated with comas. Available values: [address,applications,pools]
keywordsString"foo bar"nullSearch from keywords in first_name, last_name and email fields
is_partner_newsletter_activeBooleantruenullOnly returns applicants who agreed receiving the partner newsletter emails
is_campaign_alert_activeBooleantruenullOnly returns applicants who agreed receiving the new job offers newsletter emails
orderString"created_at""created_at"Chosen field for ordering the data. Available values: ["created_at"]
sortString"desc""desc"Way of sorting the data. Available values: ["asc","desc"]
pageInteger11Page to fetch
per_pageInteger5050Quantity of data by page (max value is 50)

Embedded data

Querying embedded data in this endpoint will be deprecated soon. Embeds can still be requested in the show endpoint, just below.

In this endpoint, embedded data can be requested:

  • address: Applicant address
  • applications: List of Applications linked to the Applicant
  • pools: List of Pools to which the Applicant has been added by a Manager


Find applicants with the keyword "Romain". I also want to see their potential pools.

View response example

Fetch the second page of my results, with 20 results per page.

Fetch applicant

Fetch one specific Applicant account from its id or email address.




GET /applicants/:id

Open in Postman

Accepted params

ParamTypeExample valueDefaultDescription
idInteger or the path, id or email of the Applicant to fetch.
embedString"address,applications,pools"nullIn the querystring, wanted embedded data, separated with comas. Available values: [address,applications,pools]

Embedded data

In this endpoint, embedded data can be requested:

  • address: Applicant address
  • applications: List of Applications linked to the Applicant
  • pools: List of Pools to which the Applicant has been added by a Manager


Retrieve all the data of an applicant whose email address is "".

View response example

Create applicant

Create an Applicant account.




POST /applicants

Open in Postman

Accepted params

All parameters should be in the request's body.

ParamTypeExample valueRequiredDescription
applicantObject-Applicant's data
applicant["email"]String""Email address
applicant["first_name"]String"Foo"First name
applicant["last_name"]String"Bar"Last name
applicant["locale"]String"fr"Applicant's language. Available values: ["fr", "en", "es"]
applicant["phone_code"]String"33"Phone country code
applicant["phone_number"]String"642424242"Phone number without country code
applicant["avatar_url"]String""Public picture url
applicant["iso_country"]String"FR"ISO country
applicant["is_partner_newsletter_active"]BooleanfalseHas the Applicant subscribed to the partner newsletter
applicant["is_campaign_alert_active"]BooleanfalseHas the Applicant subscribed to the new job offers email alert
applicant["is_legals_accepted_by_manager"]Booleanfalsedo you have the applicant's agreement to upload it in Kelio ATS. false by default. If this field is not set to true, the applicant will receive an email with a link to accept our terms and conditions.
applicant["bio_url"]String""Public url to the Applicant's website/portfolio
applicant["resume"]Object-To upload a resume, both base64 and mime_type following fields are required. NB: the resume is uploaded asynchronously. You can find the resume_url in fetch applicant, fetch applicants or fetch applications.
applicant["resume"]["base64"]String"JVBERi0xLjQ..."✓ / ✗Resume encoded in base64.
applicant["resume"]["mime_type"]String"pdf"✓ / ✗Mime type of the file. Available values: ["pdf", "jpg", "png", "doc", "docx"]
applicant["address"]Object-Applicant's address
applicant["address"]["name"]String"165 Avenue de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France"Complete address (only for display, filling in this field will not autocomplete the full address object)
applicant["address"]["street_number"]String"165"Street number
applicant["address"]["street"]String"Avenue de Bretagne"Street name
applicant["address"]["zipcode"]String"59000"Postal code
applicant["address"]["iso_country"]String"FR"ISO country code
applicant["applications"]Object or Array of Objects-Usable to create Applications linked to the Applicant in one single API call
applicant["applications"]["campaign_id"]Integer1Campaign id linked to the Application. The Campaign status has to be online, draft or standby
applicant["applications"]["source"]String"indeed"Source of the Application (has to be a source from the Company sources list)
applicant["applications"]["comments"]Object or Array of Objects-Usable to create comments linked to the Application
applicant["applications"]["comments"]["content"]String"My comment"Content of the comment linked to this Application
applicant["applications"]["comments"]["attachment"]Object-To upload an attachment, both base64 and mime_type following fields are required. NB: the attached file is uploaded asynchronously.
applicant["applications"]["comments"]["attachment"]["base64"]String"JVBERi0xLjQ..."✓ / ✗Attached file encoded in base64.
applicant["applications"]["comments"]["attachment"]["mime_type"]String"png"✓ / ✗Mime type of the file. Available values: ["pdf", "jpg", "png", "doc", "docx", "xlsx"]
applicant["pools"]Array of Integers[1, 2, 3]Pool ids to assign the Applicant to one or several pools


Create an applicant and assign him to a pool.




        "email":                            "",
        "first_name":                       "Jane",
        "last_name":                        "Doe",
        "avatar_url":                       "",
        "is_legals_accepted_by_manager":    true,
        "bio_url":                          "",
        "pools":                            [1],
        "resume": {
            "mime_type":                    "pdf",
            "base64":                       "JVBERi0xLjQ..."

View response example

Create an applicant with two applications, and one of them have comments.




        "email":                            "",
        "first_name":                       "Jane",
        "last_name":                        "Doe",
        "locale":                           "fr",
        "phone_code":                       "33",
        "phone_number":                     "601020304",
        "avatar_url":                       "",
        "iso_country":                      "FR",
        "is_partner_newsletter_active":     false,
        "is_campaign_alert_active":         false,
        "is_legals_accepted_by_manager":    true,
        "resume": {
            "mime_type":                    "pdf",
            "base64":                       "JVBERi0xLjQ..."
        "address": {
            "lat":                          "50.62925",
            "lon":                          "3.057256",
            "name":                         "165 Avenue de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France",
            "street_number":                "165",
            "street":                       "Avenue de Bretagne",
            "zipcode":                      "59000",
            "city":                         "Lille",
            "country":                      "France",
            "iso_country":                  "FR"
                "campaign_id":              1,
                "source":                   "indeed",
                "tags":                     ["english-speaker", "junior"],
                    "content":              "First comment content",
                        "mime_type":        "jpeg",
                        "base64":           "JVBERi0xLjQ..."
                    "content":              "Other comment content",
                        "mime_type":        "png",
                        "base64":           "JVBERi0xLjQ..."
                "campaign_id":              2,
                "source":                   "wttj"

View response example

Customer documentation for the Kelio ATS API