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Step by step tutorial

In this tutorial you'll learn how to use the Kelio ATS API to create a new Applicant with an API testing platform like Postman.

Step 1: prepare the basic information

Make sure you have in possession:

  • Your private key. Our team sent it to you by email. The format is an alphanumerical string xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.
  • The secret encryption key.

Your private key can have several scopes. For this tutorial, we need the applicants_write scope.

The environment we will be using here is the sandbox, which is great for experimenting and testing:

  • The base url is
  • The JWT header’s audience field is

Step 2: generate your JWT

You can use our JWT generation endpoint to easily generate a JWT from your private key, and directly go to Step 3. This JWT will be available for 4 hours.

If you wish to generate the JWT yourself with no expiration date (which we do not recommend for security reasons), please follow these instructions.

Step 3: Make the API call

In your favorite API testing platform (we use mainly Postman at Kelio ATS), start to write the request. We will go across 3 points:

  • Inform the headers
  • Write the URL
  • Fill the body

Inform the headers

In the headers the most important information to give us is your JWT. The key is Authorization and the value is Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN (with a space in between).

  • Authorization: Bearer YOUR_JWT_TOKEN

The other header that we need is about the format of the data that you send us. We use JSON in our API. Add the key Content-Type with the value application/json

  • Content-Type: application/json

Now that our headers are impeccable, we can keep going.

Write the URL

We want to create an Applicant. When consulting the API guide, we see that the endpoint is: POST /applicants


  • the base URL:
  • the endpoint: /applicants
  • the HTTP request method: POST

We can type the request URL:


Fill in the body

We’ve done the hardest part. The last thing to do is inform in the body the data of the applicant we want to import.

In the API testing platform, in the body, write the information about the applicant.


Don’t forget to wrap your data in an "applicant" object.

      "email":                            "",
      "first_name":                       "Jane",
      "last_name":                        "Doe",
      "avatar_url":                       "",
      "is_legals_accepted_by_manager":    true,
      "bio_url":                          ""

Send the request and that’s it! You created your first applicant in Kelio ATS 👏

Next steps

👩‍💻 Check out more in-depth endpoints to get up and running.

📤 Try many more endpoints in the Kelio ATS API using our Postman collection.

Customer documentation for the Kelio ATS API